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Submit Video Content Link
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Please expect a response of video submission placement within 5-7 business days.
Video-link submissions will be available on the AMPTV online channel appropriate and partner channels at the designated time that is available.
It is okay
for video-link submissions that are already online with another online server, where viewers are already accessing producer's content. AMPTV's distribution is to enhance video producers' current content.
AMPTV and its affiliates may video discard content that is: vulgar, discriminatory, pornographic or low viewership and/or social media followings (i.e. less than 500 followers combined on Facebook and/or YouTube/Instagram/Twitter.).
I Agree:
By submitting video content links non-exclusively to AMPTV's distribution channel, I agree to allow AMPTV and its affiliates to exploit, and distribute the likeness of the video content submitted for one year from the first day of airing of said content. I understand that AMPTV is a free distribution service; AMPTV and its affiliates do not pay or compensate for submitted video content. Video producer has the option of freely promoting said content to be featured at a specified available time. (See
here for compensation opportunities
for original content OR
priority scheduling
for a specified time
By submitting these video links, I understand that there are no guarantees that my video content will air on AMPTV's online distribution channels; availability is on a first come first served basis and must meet the minimum criteria stated above.
Thanks for submitting your video links! We look forward to airing your content shortly ...
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